Laser Treatment
The use of lasers in dental treatments have grown in popularity over the last 60 years, and they are now used across the globe. Laser treatment is where a beam of light is pointed at your teeth; the laser will sterilize the infected area and close off any blood vessels. Many patients receiving laser treatment don’t require anesthetic, so your dentist appointment will be fairly short.
Laser dental treatment is kind to the mouth. It is effective in removing old fillings and fumigating infected root canals. It is also possible to use laser treatment for bone shaping, oral surgery, or crown lengthening.
The Benefits of Laser Dental Treatment
● Fast healing
● Quieter noise levels
● Reduced risk of infection
● Less requirement for multiple appointments
● Reduced need for anesthetic.
“Every tooth in a man’s head is more valuable than a diamond”
― Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote, 1605
Our Location
Suite 101
7135 West Saanich Rd,
Brentwood Bay, BC V8M 1P7
FREE Parking!
Office Hours
Mon 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Tues and Wed 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursdays available according to the patient's individual treatment plan and Dr. Nik's discretion